Party place - Cafe!
Really! 21:00 Again o.o!!
I Guess it was SUPER FUN fighting the Nichos :)
Well Nuh-Nye and Sweet Dreams Good night :D
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
She Liked the party! and I said Don't just thank me Thank the other Chobots who helped too :D
It was realy great fun!
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
here is the template you will need :)
hehe make it funny xD
I like funny xD
the prize is :
a t.v remote for your chobot player to hold! :D
hehe good luck! :)
Well if you know what is it here is my entry :) >>v
Hope I Helped ya :)
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
I Hope They'll Like It :D
Oh Yea Wait ! What Do YOU think About it ? Comment Please :)
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
Well and for the celebration we are going to celebrate it in Chobots :D Yay!!
and all of you know that there is a server named Chocolate we are going to celebrate in it!
Server : Chocolate
Place : Inside The Cafe
Time : 21:00 Cho Time
When? : At the Chocolate day silly :P 7th of July
Can't wait :)
I am having a Competition of ( Best Chocolate Outfit )
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
Luv your style Shrinkieh ;)
Like the paint brush AwesomeJceey1
Luv your hair Stephz
Cute mask need1friend
Luv your FlamingFireWings Nireze_2009
Luv and Like your medal and your Video cam Hawiian
Luv the 3D glasses Iceeman234
^-^ Ftooota98 ^-^
I am So exited for the party can't wait!
^-^ Ftooota ^-^